A while a go, Kimo Rizky from Kimokal just bought a brand new KTM and pay a visit into Thrive HQ with something in mind that he want to have a practical toys to play with on the weekend. luckily, Thrive been working with their new in house formula for the entry level, targeted into someone who want to absorb Thrive’s style in a sort of time application. So now Kimo have no worries for taking his bike as far as he want, and upgrading his bike along the way.
Stock subframe was removed and Thrive made a new one with more narrowed stance so the classic shape on the tail can suit the bigger picture.
Rear suspension were upgraded into an Ohlins which known as the best shock who can add more traction control in the corner.
For the main lights, Thrive switch the original headlamp into dual PIAA to get the classic stannce with a modern approach.
Thrive also put their in-house footpegs “Odipus” which applicable almost in every bike needs. They also put some racing plat number on booth rear side which made from Aluminum sheet